Iron is one of the most precious minerals in everyone’s life. Iron develops hemoglobin in the blood cells which is the carrier of oxygen to our internal organs. Without sufficient oxygen, our internal organs can’t perform to the peak, when our internal organs don’t perform well our system starts responding with symptoms. 

Another big challenge for women is menstrual pain. Around 80% of women experience period pain at different stages in their lifetime. Suffering from period pain may be from your early teens right up to menopause. The majority of the women experience some discomfort during menstruation, especially the first couple of days. But in 5% to 10% of women, the pain is severe enough to disrupt their life. These cramps can cause an absence in their profession. In some cases, even the kitchen declared holiday during these days. During these days women feel very insecure and irritated by their helplessness. They need extra care and nursing but it is not that practical in a nuclear family where both husband and wife will be professionals. These days not only affect their career life but also family and especially children’s life.
An iron-deficient lady may have abnormal periods which leads to ovulation issues and causes fertility too. During pregnancy women need double iron for fetus development and also for their body, during this time iron-rich food is very compulsory. Unfortunately nowadays people are more dependent on iron supplements than iron food, iron supplements are chemically or synthetically produced which can have short term or long-term side effects. Due to fast life, people don’t have to understand the seriousness. During delivery, women lose half a liter to one and a half liters of blood and there will be postpartum blood loss too. Neonatal can’t be fed with iron-rich food for 6 months, So it’s recommended 1000 days of iron-rich food Iron deficiency is not a disease; it has to be rectified with iron-rich food.

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Nature has blessed all the minerals and vitamins that a human requires as he is blessing us with adequate oxygen and water. Following are the iron-rich food in the vegetarian friendly. Dark leaf as Spinach, legumes, pumpkins seeds, black jeera, Ramnath seeds, quinoa, broccoli, tofu, dark chocolate, peanuts, walnut, pistachio, roasted almonds, roasted cashews, tofu, baked potato, and many more but these irons are heme iron and need to be incorporated with vitamin C foods like citric fruits, lemon, prune, gooseberry and other berries, etc. Or the iron absorption will be very low from 2% to 5%. Non vegetarian can enjoy internal organs such as liver, red meat, pork and poultry, seafood, etc. These non-heme iron-rich foods are easily absorbed up to 45 to 50%.

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